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With the blessings of my parents Late Sri Birendra Barman and Late Srimati Giribala Barman.


Our Services


To open run, maintain or assist any educational or other institution for coaching , guidance, counseling or vocational training or to grant individual scholarships for poor, deserving and needy students for elementary and higher education and Development of Solar Power System including Research and development of Solar Power.



To open, run, maintain or assist any medical institution, nursing home or clinics or to grant assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost of medical treatment.



To support and promote cultural activities through the universally appreciated medium of folk, art, music, theatre, film, paintings, sculpture and literature etc.




To support and promote sports activities through the universally appreciated medium of sports and game.




Relief of the poor
to give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of books, notebooks, clothes, uniforms, or meals for the poor and indigent.




Solar Energy
Solar energy is genesis for all forms of energy. This energy can be made use of in two ways the Thermal route i.e. using heat for drying, heating, cooking or generation of electricity or through the Photovoltaic route which converts solar energy in to electricity that can be used for a myriad purposes such as lighting, pumping and generation of electricity. With its pollution free nature, virtually inexhaustible supply and global distribution- solar energy is very attractive energy resource.



Rural Housing
India lives in its villages, not only now, but for generations to come it will be the same. Providing a decent home to each and every family living in the village or at least a scope to own a home is one of our main objectives. What lacks in our country is a strong working plan supported by conviction. We want to empower these people who have no capacity to step up for a single shed.